Mandatory Debate Amendment Verbatim:
All candidates that meet fundraising benchmark deadlines for Federal or State Elected Office must participate in at least three debates within 165 days of a Primary or General Election. The first debate must occur within 60 days, the second debate within 30 days and last debate must occur ten days of Primary or General Election day.
All Candidates that meet fundraising benchmarks by the allotted time frame will qualify to participate in (3) three televised Statewide or Nationwide respectively. National Television Networks will sponsor These televised debates by winning the bid. The Bid proceeds are split equally among the Federal National Committee or State Party Committee recognized by the Networks. The Network pledges $10 million in Escrow to host the event. This same rule applies for a State Party Committee in Statewide Elections. Debate Rules must be agreed upon by the parties as per Political Party bylaws in each state in negotiation with Television Networks.
TheFiscals will advocate for minimum benchmarks in Campaign funds from individual Constituents in Primaries only. In the General Election, the fundraising benchmarks are eliminated as the debate is mandatory in the General Election.
The fundraising benchmarks that must be reached as follows:
$ 50,000.00 in contributions by the first debate deadline for any State Office.
$ 100,000.00 for Federal Congressional Office.
$ 500,000.00 for Federal Senatorial Office.
$1,000,000.00 for Governor of any of the (50) Fifty States.
$5,000,000.00 for President of the United States.
These financial benchmarks must be met by the second fundraising reporting the quarter of his/her formal announcement and all qualifications to be put on the ballot in each state will remain the same. The total of these contributions as reported to the Federal Elections Commission must exceed 50% of the total a Candidate has pledged to their campaign from his/her personal bank account.
The premise:
To discourage secret opposition groups from illegally split the vote in the Primary or General Election by "Propping up a Dummy Candidate."
Intellectual aptitude and rebuttal ability are a Political paramount skill to Elected Office. Rebuttal ability and narrative discipline in discourse is the cornerstone of a Republican Democracy. Under the Mandatory Debate Amendment, the Incumbent must be obligated to defend his record as a Public official in public debate against contenders. The contender for Office must demonstrate a resolve to tackle the problems of the day and articulate viable alternatives or resolutions for the American People to consider before casting a Vote for any elected office.
In the case of the Presidential Office, this debate mandate is more pertinent. The understanding of complex International Wartime decisions cannot be taught on the job as a snap decision. Knowledge of Domestic Economic matters concerning Business within the World's Largest Economy and Superpower should not be considered lightly. Getting into Elected Office requires resounding character, and must be demonstrated in many debates.
The only public discussion that can expose intellectual incompetency or debased corrupt political agendas is the debate. It is, therefore, mandatory for those desiring elected office to participate in debates.
"If you cannot articulate a new avenue to pursue happiness without Government coercion, you are not prepared to defend the United States Constitution or that of the People of the (50) States. An incumbent should not be afforded the advantage to allude oral arguments in a public forum fearing legitimate rebuttal as the incumbent. This political party culture fosters the illegitimacy of representative democracy. The lack of a mandatory debate also allows for the political incompetence and shamelessness that is running rampant in Washington D.C. and State Capitals today. The corrosive atmosphere in Washington D.C. allows for the disingenuous political folly of mainstream media, not great big ideas to rule the day. The overbearing power of the collective is the Central Government. It's institutions collectively seeks to coerce free people to behave and conform while eliminating the free exercise to resolve grievances amongst ourselves. This type of liberty only exists in organic cooperation amongst citizens without government. It requires the people to make righteous choices and have the free will to do so in civil discourse in the public square instead of litigation. Individuals who seek elected Office as a career instead of as a Servant, are not likely to get reelected without public debate. In a debate, they will likely be exposed as a lazy scoundrel or lazy louse."